FE4 Artifacts

Artifact 1: FE 4 Unit Plan


This Unit Plan (Learning and Evaluation Situation) was designed to guide me through my fourth and final Field Experience. The LES was designed with a Big Idea first, which served as a cornerstone that guided the lessons and assessments. The concept of a Big Idea stems from the Wiggins and McTighe document on Backward Design, where the essential understandings and questions are identified first. Essentially, this is the destination, and the ensuing lessons are mean to serve as a roadmap to reach this point. By identifying and establishing the essential understandings and summative assessments, I then spent time with my Cooperating Teacher and created a series of lessons meant to guide students toward success.

This artifact is meant to serve as evidence of my development for Professional Competency 1 and 6.

Artifact 2: Lesson Plan: A Sound of Thunder (Part 2)


This artifact, a lesson plan on Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder”, depicts the extensive detail put into each lesson. For context, this lesson is set during a second class dedicated to reading the short story. I chose this second part as my lesson plan exemplar, as the prior class featured only a brief introduction to the author before having students begin reading the material. The lesson plan also entails details present in all other plans, such as how formative assessments both for and as learning would be implemented, contingencies should students with differentiations be present, in addition to extensions and exit cards.

This artifact is meant to serve as evidence for my development for Professional Competency 3, 4, and 6.

Artifact 3: Sleepy Hollow Comprehension


This series of comprehension questions would have been assigned following the class completion of Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. The comprehension questions are varied, and feature short answer, multiple choice, and true or false questions. Seeing as this worksheet was designed for Sec I (Grade 7) students, the work is relatively low-stakes, yet it is meant to measure students’ ability to answer questions from a work they have read. Assignments such as this serve as formative assessment under Competency Two, the reading competency. Data collected on students’ performance for this assignment would have been used to influence future comprehension tasks and lessons. For instance, in the event students performed low as a whole, then pacing of future lessons would be altered. Further, this assignment would also be used to identify any students that may require additional support should they struggle. In essence, each assignment or task, whether marked or unmarked, is designed with the purpose of furthering student success.

This artifact is meant to serve as evidence for my development for Professional Competency 5 and 7.


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